Présentée près de 363 fois dans 35 pays du monde entier, urbanthropus est une pièce à multiples facettes, un spectacle faisant la synthèse entre une structure chorégraphique précise et un jeu où les éléments d'improvisation intègrent les données des lieux et du hasard.
Urbanthropus, c'est aussi une créature ancestrale autant que futuriste. Cet être asexué, mais non dénué d’un certain érotisme, surgit comme dans un rêve, provoque par son innocence et trouble par son étrangeté le quotidien du spectateur pour disparaître on ne sait où.
Urbanthropus se renouvelle ainsi à chaque lieu. Chaque spectacle est unique.
"urbanthropus c’est de l’art pur...subtilement érotique ... Da Motus! font de leurs corps offensivement une œuvre d’art" (T.Hahn, Trottoir, Heft 36, Sep./Okt 2002)
"Munis d‘un corps entièrement tactile, les délicats personnages ont la démarche attentive des lémuriens, le sens de la reptation du serpent, la curiosité impertinente et le don de découvrir des sens nouveaux aux espaces citadins." (L‘Express 03.08.1994)
idée et concept
Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly
Antonio Bühler, Brigitte Meuwly
Antonio Bühler (jusqu'en 2012), Brigitte Meuwly, Ismael Oiartzabal (dès 2013)
Brigitte Meuwly
DA MOTUS!, Festival International de Danse "STEPS '88"
Date | Lieu | Infos | reservation |
Bern - Switzerland | Buskers Bern #16 (2x) | |
Bern - Switzerland | Buskers Bern #16 (2x) | |
bern - Switzerland | Buskers Bern #16 (2x) | |
Wolfsburg - Germany | Cirque Nouveau Mobile (2x) | |
Wolfsburg - Germany | Cirque Nouveau Mobile (2x) | |
Wolfsburg - Germany | Cirque Nouveau Mobile (2x) | |
Wolfsburg - Germany | Cirque Nouveau Mobile (2x) | |
Wolfsburg - Germany | Cirque Nouveau Mobile (2x) | |
Grangeneuve - Switzerland | Journée d’inauguration (2x) | |
Grangeneuve - Switzerland | Journée d’inauguration (2x) | |
La Tour-de-Trême FR - Switzerland | CO2 - 10e anniversaire (2x) | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Fête de la Danse – 25ème anniversaire de DA MOTUS ! | |
Labin - Croatia | Visual Theatre Festival Labin | |
Amman - Jordan | 6th Int. Festival of Liberal Theater | |
Amman - Jordan | 6th Int. Festival of Liberal Theater | |
Amman - Jordan | 6th Int. Festival of Liberal Theater | |
Zadar - Croatia | Zadar Snova Int. Festival of Contemporary Theatre | |
Mönchengladbach - Germany | Festival Lebensart | |
Augsburg - Germany | Intern. Festival "Gaskesseltreiben" | |
Augsburg - Germany | Intern. Festival "Gaskesseltreiben" | |
Augsburg - Germany | Intern. Festival "Gaskesseltreiben" | |
London - United Kingdom | National Theatre Watch This Space Festival | |
Aachen - Germany | Festival "across the borders" | |
Sibiu - Romania | Sibiu International Theatre Festival | |
Sibiu - Romania | Sibiu International Theatre Festival | |
Frankfurt - Germany | Frühlingsfest Poelzig Bau Uni Frankfurt | |
Granada - Nicaragua | Embajada de Suiza - Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura | |
Managua - Nicaragua | Embajada de Suiza - Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura | |
San Josè - Costa Rica | Embajada de Suiza - University for Peace Costa Rica | |
Panama City - Panama | Embajada de Suiza | |
Panama City - Panama | Embajada de Suiza | |
Rosario - Argentina | "el cruce" 7. festival de artes escenicas contemporaneas | |
Rosario - Argentina | "el cruce" 7. festival de artes escenicas contemporaneas | |
Posada - Italy | Festival di Arte in Strada, Sotto un mare di stelle | |
Siniscola - Italy | Festival di Arte in Strada, Sotto un mare di stelle | |
Carmignano - Italy | Festival della Rocca Medievale | |
Carmignano - Italy | Festival della Rocca Medievale | |
Québec - Canada | Festival d'été international de Québec | |
Québec - Canada | Festival d'été international de Québec | |
Québec - Canada | Festival d'été international de Québec | |
Québec - Canada | Festival d'été international de Québec | |
Warszawa - Poland | Dance theatre festival Zawirowania | |
Neckarsulm - Germany | Festival "Neckarsulm leuchtet" | |
Visp - Switzerland | Festival Oberwalliser Tanztage (2x) | |
Sassari - Italy | Girovagando Festival int. arte in strada | |
Sassari - Italy | Girovagando Festival int. arte in strada | |
Crete / Chania - Greece | Zephirus Int. Festival of Alternative Theatres | |
Crete / Chania - Greece | Zephirus Int. Festival of Alternative Theatres | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Flos Carmeli - Soirée de clôture de la semaine thématique "Mettons-nous en scèn… | |
Caracas - Venezuela | Festival de las Artes de Baruta | |
Neuchâtel - Switzerland | Festival ADN ”Scène ouverte" 05 | |
Neuchâtel - Switzerland | Festival ADN ”Scène ouverte" 05 | |
Neuchâtel - Switzerland | Festival ADN ”Scène ouverte" 05 | |
Murten - Switzerland | Festival Science et Cité Murten, centre ville | |
Alexandria - Egypt | Alexandrina Library | |
Cairo - Egypt | Mubarak Library / Swissmade Exposition | |
Cairo - Egypt | Festival of Experimental Theatre | |
Cairo - Egypt | Festival of Experimental Theatre | |
Lisboa/Oeiras - Portugal | Internat. Festival Lugar à Dança | |
Lisboa/Oeiras - Portugal | Internat. Festival Lugar à Dança | |
Kronberg im Taunus - Germany | Intern. Strassentheaterfestival (2x) | |
Genève - Switzerland | Inauguration de la maison de l’environnement MIE2 | |
Villingen/Schwenningen - Germany | Museumsfest - Kulturzentrum Franziskaner | |
Villingen/Schwenningen - Germany | Museumsfest - Kulturzentrum Franziskaner | |
Ascona - Switzerland | Festival Il gatto che danza | |
Ascona - Switzerland | Festival Il gatto che danza | |
Villars-sur-Glâne FR - Switzerland | Equilibre-Nuithonie - Fribourg, Nuithonie | |
Esch-sur-Alzette - Luxembourg | 2. Festival intern. de rue Terres Rouges (2x) | |
Esch-sur-Alzette - Luxembourg | 2. Festival intern. de rue Terres Rouges (2x) | |
London / Trafalgar Square - United Kingdom | International Festival Dancing Square | |
London / Canary Wharf - United Kingdom | Dancing City Greenwich & Docklands Int. Festivals (2x) | |
London / Canary Wharf - United Kingdom | Dancing City Greenwich & Docklands Int. Festivals | |
Maribor - Slovenia | International Festival Lent | |
Maribor - Slovenia | International Festival Lent | |
Kranj - Slovenia | International Festival Carniola | |
Nova Gorica - Slovenia | International Festival Ana Desetnica | |
Ljubljana - Slovenia | International Festival Ana Desetnica | |
Ljubljana - Slovenia | International Festival Ana Desetnica | |
Oudtshoorn - South Africa | Festival Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees | |
Oudtshoorn - South Africa | Festival Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees | |
Cape Town - South Africa | Cape Town Festival / Thibault Square | |
Durbanville - South Africa | Cape Town Festival / Culture Center | |
Cape Town - South Africa | Cape Town Festival / V & A Waterfront | |
Cape Town - South Africa | Cape Town Festival / City Gardens | |
Cape Town - South Africa | Cape Town Festival / Night Vision Long Street | |
Ludwigshafen - Germany | Internationales “THEATERFESTIVAL“ | |
Ludwigshafen - Germany | Internationales “THEATERFESTIVAL“ | |
Châlon-sur-Saône - France | Festival “CHALON DANS LA RUE“ (2x) | |
Châlon-sur-Saône - France | Festival “CHALON DANS LA RUE“ (2x) | |
Menen - Belgium | Internationaal Theaterfestival “ZOMER“ | |
Vlissingen - Netherlands | 22. Internat. “STRAATFESTIVAL“ (2x) | |
Moncalieri - Italy | Festival internaz. “THEATROPOLIS“ | |
Torino - Italy | Festival internaz. “THEATROPOLIS“ | |
Torino - Italy | Festival internaz. “THEATROPOLIS“ | |
Maasmechelen - Belgium | Ouverture officielle “VILLAGE“ | |
Murten - Switzerland | Monolithe, Expo 02 | |
Nuoro - Italy | Festival Euromediterraneo La Piazza dei Sogni | |
Nuoro - Italy | Festival Euromediterraneo La Piazza dei Sogni | |
Luzern - Switzerland | Kultur-Rahmenprogramm Pro Helvetia | |
Luzern - Switzerland | Kultur-Rahmenprogramm Pro Helvetia | |
Luzern - Switzerland | Kultur-Rahmenprogramm Pro Helvetia | |
Luzern - Switzerland | Kultur-Rahmenprogramm Pro Helvetia | |
Pforzheim - Germany | Festival inernational Châlon dans la rue | |
Châlon-sur-Saône - France | Festival “CHALON DANS LA RUE“ | |
Grand-Lancy - Switzerland | Festival de Lancy Mai au Parc | |
Halle - Germany | Intern. Festival “Westöstlischer Diwan“ | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Marketing Trophy | |
Neuchâtel - Switzerland | Théâtre du Passage, Ouverture officielle | |
Neuchâtel - Switzerland | Théâtre du Passage, Journée portes ouvertes | |
Grolley - Switzerland | Commission culturelle - Marché d'automne | |
Bremen - Germany | Strassenzirkusfestival "La Strada" (2x) | |
Bremen - Germany | Strassenzirkusfestival "La Strada" (2x) | |
Iserlohn - Germany | Sommer in der Stadt Iserlohn | |
Aachen - Germany | Kulturbüro der Stadt Aachen | |
Wismar - Germany | Intern. Theaterfest BoulevART (2x) | |
Ingoldstadt - Germany | Intern. Strassentheaterfestival in Ingolstadt | |
Ingoldstadt - Germany | Intern. Strassentheaterfestival in Ingolstadt | |
Signal de Bougy - Switzerland | Fête Service culturel Migros (2x) | |
Marburg - Germany | Festival OFFBALANCE Tanz/Theater aus Europa | |
Marburg - Germany | Festival OFFBALANCE Tanz/Theater aus Europa | |
Marburg - Germany | Festival OFFBALANCE Tanz/Theater aus Europa | |
Memmingen - Germany | Intern. Festival Memminger Meile 2000 | |
Bolzano - Italy | Conferenza internazionale Alleanza per il clima 2000 | |
Bolzano - Italy | Conferenza internazionale Alleanza per il clima 2000 | |
Mayen - Germany | Eröffnung Kultursommer Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz 2000 | |
Mayen - Germany | Eröffnung Kultursommer Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz 2000 | |
Crêt-Bérard - Switzerland | Conférence internationale 2000 org. par Uni GE et Uni FR | |
Louvain - Belgium | Evénement Ernst & Young Consulting | |
Bruxelles - Belgium | Gala d'ouverture du 27th international film festival | |
Lahore - Pakistan | Intern. Theatre and Dance Festival Pakistan | |
Lahore - Pakistan | Intern. Theatre and Dance Festival Pakistan | |
Lahore - Pakistan | Intern. Theatre and Dance Festival Pakistan | |
Quito - Ecuador | Instituto Cultural Humboldt-Gesellschaft | |
Quito - Ecuador | Instituto Cultural Humboldt-Gesellschaft (2x) | |
Lima - Peru | 35e anniversaire des activités au Pérou de la COSUDE (2x) | |
Lima - Peru | Festival International de Danza y Teatro de Lima | |
Bogotá - Colombia | Festival Internacional AL AIRE PURO | |
Bogotá - Colombia | Festival Internacional AL AIRE PURO | |
Herne - Germany | Festival Sommertheater 99 | |
Görlitz - Germany | Görlitzer Kultursommer Strassentheater Festival | |
Givisiez - Switzerland | Commune de Givisiez - Inauguration de la Place d'Affry | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Congrès des directeurs des Offices de tourisme suisses | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | OMNIBUS Festival international de spectacles de rue | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | OMNIBUS Festival international de spectacles de rue | |
Völklingen - Germany | 14. Int. Strassentheatertage SOMMER SZENE 1998 | |
Lisboa - Portugal | EXPO'98 | |
Lisboa - Portugal | EXPO'98 | |
Lisboa - Portugal | EXPO'98 | |
Lisboa - Portugal | EXPO'98 | |
Lisboa - Portugal | EXPO'98 | |
Lisboa - Portugal | Festivité du 1er août (invitation de l'Ambassade suisse) | |
Pforzheim - Germany | Intern. Pforzheimer Musik und Theater Festival (2x) | |
Eger - Hungary | Festival des bains thermaux - Théâtre Atellana (2x) | |
Prangins - Switzerland | Festivités d‘ouverture Musée national Château de Prangins (2x) | |
Prangins - Switzerland | Festivités d‘ouverture Musée national Château de Prangins (2x) | |
Tourcoing - France | Festival européen de l'Humour (2x) | |
Locarno - Switzerland | Festival du Théâtre francophone - Teatro Dimitri | |
Mosbach - Germany | Jubiläum Landesgartenschau Baden-Württemberg | |
Leipzig - Germany | Fest Deutsche Telecom | |
Marcq-en-Baroeul / Lille - France | Festival intern. "St-Vincent d'Automne" (2x) | |
Heilbronn - Germany | Intern. Festival "Heilbronner Sommertheater" (2x) | |
Ludwigslust bei Schwerin - Germany | Intern. Festival "Schlosspark Ludwigslust" (3x) | |
Ludwigslust bei Schwerin - Germany | Intern. Festival "Schlosspark Ludwigslust" (3x) | |
Herford - Germany | Intern. Festival "spettacolo teatrale" | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Hannover - Germany | Int. Festival "Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten" (3x) | |
Köln - Germany | Intern. Festival "Sommer Köln 97" | |
Köln - Germany | Intern. Festival "Sommer Köln 97" | |
Ludwigshafen - Germany | Intern. Festival "Ludwigshafener Kultursommer" | |
Ludwigshafen - Germany | Intern. Festival "Ludwigshafener Kultursommer" | |
Siegburg - Germany | Int. Theaterfestival "Siegburger Sommerrendezvous" (2x) | |
Delft - Netherlands | Intern. Straattheaterfestival "Mooi Weer Spelen" (2x) | |
Darmstadt - Germany | Intern. Strassentheaterfestival "Just for fun" | |
Cannes - France | 50ème Festival du Film 1997 | |
Mosbach - Germany | Internationales Festival "Mosbach blüht" | |
Mosbach - Germany | Jubiläum Landesgartenschau Baden-Württemberg | |
Namur - Belgium | Semaine suisse à Namur | |
Courtepin FR - Switzerland | Semaine culturelle de l’école enfantine et primaire | |
Tcheliabinsk - Russia | Festival Fribourg-Tchéliabinsk | |
Rüsselsheim - Germany | Internationales Theaterfestival "au contraire" | |
Rüsselsheim - Germany | Internationales Theaterfestival "au contraire" | |
Rüsselsheim - Germany | Internationales Theaterfestival "au contraire" | |
Bremen - Germany | Internationales Festival "la strada" (2x) | |
Bremen - Germany | Internationales Festival "la strada" (2x) | |
Stockholm - Sweden | International Stockholm Water Festival (2x) | |
Stockholm - Sweden | International Stockholm Water Festival (2x) | |
Stockholm - Sweden | International Stockholm Water Festival (2x) | |
Stockholm - Sweden | International Stockholm Water Festival (2x) | |
Hakone - Japan | Open Air Art Museum (3x) | |
Hakone - Japan | Open Air Art Museum (3x) | |
Tokyo - Japan | Museum of Contemporary Art (3x) | |
Tokyo - Japan | Museum of Contemporary Art (3x) | |
Tokyo - Japan | Museum of Contemporary Art (3x) | |
Tokyo - Japan | Museum of Contemporary Art (3x) | |
Tokyo - Japan | Museum of Contemporary Art (3x) | |
Tokyo - Japan | Museum of Contemporary Art (3x) | |
Tokyo - Japan | Metropolitan Art Space | |
Altdorf - Switzerland | Kulturprogramm des Gemeinderates (2x) | |
Rostock - Germany | 3. Internationales Kleinkunstfestival, Kulturamt der Hansestadt Rostock (2x) | |
Rostock - Germany | 3. Internationales Kleinkunstfestival, Kulturamt der Hansestadt Rostock (2x) | |
Nanterre - France | "Parade(s)" de la ville de Nanterre (2x) | |
Nanterre - France | "Parade(s)" de la ville de Nanterre (2x) | |
Sarreguemines - France | Festival Européen "Les Arts de la Rue" (2x) | |
Sarreguemines - France | Festival Européen "Les Arts de la Rue" (2x) | |
Sarreguemines - France | Festival Européen "Les Arts de la Rue" (2x) | |
Holzminden - Germany | Internationaler Strassentheater Förderpreis | |
Holzminden - Germany | Internationaler Strassentheater Förderpreis | |
Holzminden - Germany | Internationaler Strassentheater Förderpreis | |
Düdingen - Switzerland | Martinsmarkt | |
München - Germany | Festival Intern. "Toll Wood" (2x) | |
Rastatt - Germany | Festival International "tête à tête" | |
Rastatt - Germany | Festival International "tête à tête" | |
Halle - Germany | Kulturzentrum Turm e.V. Halle | |
Halle - Germany | Kulturzentrum Turm e.V. Halle | |
Santa Cruz - Bolivia | Invitation Secreteria Nacional de Cultura/Ambassade Suisse | |
Cochabanda - Bolivia | Invitation Secreteria Nacional de Cultura/Ambassade Suisse | |
Sucre - Bolivia | Invitation Secreteria Nacional de Cultura/Ambassade Suisse | |
La Paz - Bolivia | Invitation Secreteria Nacional de Cultura/Ambassade Suisse | |
La Paz - Bolivia | Invitation Secreteria Nacional de Cultura/Ambassade Suisse | |
München - Germany | Schweizer Tanztage / Tanz- Tanztheater aus der Schweiz | |
Leipzig - Germany | Moritzbastei, ART-Verwandschaften | |
Moutier - Switzerland | Quinzaine Culturelle 1994 | |
Dornbirn - Austria | IM-PULS 94 | |
Feldkirch - Austria | IM-PULS 94 | |
Bregenz - Austria | IM-PULS 94 | |
Saarbrücken - Germany | Festival Intern. "Sommer-Scene 94" | |
Neuchâtel - Switzerland | Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales | |
Augsburg - Germany | Festival Intern. La Piazza | |
Poznan - Poland | IV. Miedzynarodowy Festival Teatralny MALTA 94 (2x) | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Centre-ville | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Centre-ville | |
Innsbruck - Austria | Tanz-Theater-Tanz 94 | |
Hall im Tirol - Austria | Tanz-Theater-Tanz 94 | |
Pàztò - Hungary | Ecole municipale - Centre Ville (2x) | |
Bienne - Switzerland | Fête du Baladin | |
Eger - Hungary | Fête nationale du 20 août, Centre-ville | |
Gyöngyös - Hungary | Centre-ville | |
Leipzig - Germany | Schweizer Kunst- und Kulturwoche, Moritzbastei | |
Leipzig - Germany | Schweizer Kunst- und Kulturwoche, Moritzbastei | |
Leipzig - Germany | Schweizer Kunst- und Kulturwoche, Moritzbastei | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse - accueil Reine d'Espagne | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse - accueil Reine d'Espagne (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse - accueil Reine d'Espagne (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse - accueil Reine d'Espagne (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse - accueil Reine d'Espagne (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse EXPO 92 (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse EXPO 92 (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse EXPO 92 (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse EXPO 92 (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse EXPO 92 (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse EXPO 92 (2x) | |
Sevilla - Spain | Pavillon Suisse EXPO 92 (2x) | |
Alessandria - Italy | Progetto Fabbrica Boveri e Tinaio degli Umiliati | |
Alessandria - Italy | Progetto Fabbrica Boveri e Tinaio degli Umiliati | |
Broadgate Arena - United Kingdom | Festival of Switzerland 1991, 700th anniversary | |
Broadgate Arena - United Kingdom | Festival of Switzerland 1991, 700th anniversary | |
Broadgate Arena - United Kingdom | Festival of Switzerland 1991, 700th anniversary | |
Broadgate Arena - United Kingdom | Festival of Switzerland 1991, 700th anniversary | |
Jelenia Gora - Poland | 9. Miedzynarodowy Festival Teatru Ulicznego (2x) | |
Gryfow - Poland | 9. Miedzynarodowy Festival Teatru Ulicznego | |
Swiebodzice - Poland | 9. Miedzynarodowy Festival Teatru Ulicznego | |
Lwowek - Poland | 9. Miedzynarodowy Festival Teatru Ulicznego | |
Innsbruck - Austria | kunststrasse 91 | |
Innsbruck - Austria | kunststrasse 91 | |
Martigny - Switzerland | Inauguration succursale UBS | |
Vlissingen - Netherlands | 11. Internat. “STRAATFESTIVAL“ | |
Pfäffikon - Switzerland | Galerie PI, Vernissage B. Freiermuth ”Die 25. Stunde”, | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Hôtel de Ville, Conférence Directeurs Départ. affaires culturelles 700ème | |
Zagreb - Croatia | 7th Dance Week Festival | |
Zagreb - Croatia | 7th Dance Week Festival | |
Zürich - Switzerland | Theaterhaus Gessnerallee und Shopville Bahnhof Inauguration succursale UBS | |
Wien - Austria | Festival Tanzsprache | |
Sierre - Switzerland | Sacoche Animation | |
Sierre - Switzerland | Sacoche Animation | |
Budapest - Hungary | 1st International Hungarian Contemporary Dance Festival | |
Budapest - Hungary | 1st International Hungarian Contemporary Dance Festival | |
Humlebaek-Kobenhavn - Denmark | Louisiana Museum of Modern Art - "Ny kunst fra Schweiz" | |
Humlebaek-Kobenhavn - Denmark | Louisiana Museum of Modern Art - "Ny kunst fra Schweiz" | |
Genève - Switzerland | Ouverture de la Maison des Arts du Grütli | |
Zürich-Schwammendingen - Switzerland | Gemeinschaftszentrum Heerenschürli, dans le cadre de la Jungbürgerfeier | |
St. Gallen - Switzerland | Festival TaPeO | |
Luzern - Switzerland | Kulturzentrum Sedel | |
Zürich - Switzerland | Comme les Millionnaires, Niederdorf, Vernissage ”Mond und Planeten" | |
Fribourg - Switzerland | Pont de Grandfey, Conférence de presse de la Galerie Grandfey | |
Costigliole d'Asti - Italy | Mostra d'Arte Contemporanea Internazionale, Festival Castel Burio | |
Villa Faraldi - Italy | Festival di Villa Faraldi | |
Lausanne - Switzerland | Festival de la Cité | |
Winterthur - Switzerland | Festival International de Danse Steps | |
Basel - Switzerland | Festival International de Danse Steps | |
Baden - Switzerland | Festival International de Danse Steps | |
Zug - Switzerland | Festival International de Danse Steps | |
Chur - Switzerland | Festival International de Danse Steps | |
Bern - Switzerland | Festival International de Danse Steps | |
Zürich - Switzerland | Festival International de Danse Steps |